Saturday, May 2, 2009

1-1 ≠ 0

The identification of zero, as thought by everyone i.e. one minus one equals zero, is a mere speculation. The absence of anything can never be a zero.

Zero- the power, the pure form.
The world started from zero and sure it will end to a zero just as we were nothing before we were born and it’s sure we are living to go and end to nothing – particularly to ashes. So, zero is the origination and destination point.

Have you ever imagined where you would have been if you were at the state of zero. An empty mind – nothing to gain, nothing to lose and more nothing worry about. The state could have been full of knowledge as the acquiring of knowledge is merely to explain what is zero. Or in fact to reach at the point – zero, it is to understand that everything is equivalent to zero.

Zero can never be one minus one. If you have a thing and that is lost, this doesn’t mean you have reached the sate of zero. Have you reached the form of purity? Of course not. The penance of sages to attain the state can’t be just attended by subtracting one from one. The hardship applied can’t just be overcome by the destruction force.


  1. Revolutionary Article.
    I never realized such an enormous POWER of ZERO.

  2. Mast ramro article rahicha ta... enjoyed reading it.. The power of zero...the fullness of nothingness...nice nice..keep up the good work!
